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exaggeration synonyms and exaggeration related words

Synonyms -> exaggeration synonyms

List of exaggeration synonyms and exaggeration related words.

abandon, abstractionism, accelerando, acceleration, affectation, aggrandizement, aggravation, amplification, beefing-up, blague, blowing up, blowup, boundlessness, cock-and-bull story, coloring, command of language, concentration, condensation, confabulation, consolidation, deepening, deformation, distortion, egregiousness, embellishment, enhancement, enlargement, enormousness, equivocation, exacerbation, excess, excessiveness, exorbitance, exorbitancy, explosion, expression of ideas, expressionism, extravagance, extravagancy, extreme, extremes, extremism, extremity, fabulousness, fairy tale, false coloring, false swearing, falsehood, falsification, falsifying, falsity, farfetched story, farrago, fashion, feeling for words, fib, fiction, fish story, flam, flight of fancy, flimflam, form of speech, garbling, ghost story, giantism, gigantism, gluttony, grace of expression, grandiloquence, half-truth, heating-up, heightening, hyperbole, hypertrophy, immoderacy, immoderateness, immoderation, inaccuracy, incontinence, inflation, information explosion, injustice, inordinacy, inordinance, inordinateness, intemperance, intemperateness, intensification, inundation, legal fiction, lie, literary style, litotes, little white lie, magnification, manner, manner of speaking, mannerism, mendacity, miscoloring, misconstruction, misdrawing, mispainting, misquotation, misreport, misrepresentation, misstatement, misteaching, mode, mode of expression, monstrousness, nimiety, nonrealism, outrageousness, overappraisal, overassessment, overcalculation, overdevelopment, overdrawing, overestimate, overestimation, overflowing, overgreatness, overgrowth, overindulgence, overlargeness, overmuch, overmuchness, overpass, overrating, overreaction, overreckoning, overrun, overrunning, overspreading, overstatement, overvaluation, peculiarity, perjury, personal style, perversion, pickup, pious fiction, population explosion, prevarication, radicalism, redoubling, reinforcement, rhetoric, romance, sense of language, slanting, slight stretching, speedup, step-up, story, strain, straining, strengthening, stretching, style, stylistic analysis, stylistics, superiority, surplus, tale, tall story, tall tale, tall talk, taradiddle, the grand style, the plain style, the sublime, tightening, too much, too-muchness, trick, trumped-up story, twisting, unconscionableness, understatement, undueness, unreasonableness, unrestrainedness, untruth, vein, way, white lie, yarn