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examine synonyms and examine related words

Synonyms -> examine synonyms

List of examine synonyms and examine related words.

air, analyze, appraise, archetype, asleep, assess, autopsy, beau ideal, bone, canvass, case, case history, case in point, catechize, check, check out, check over, check up, check up on, cold, comment upon, con, consider, contemplate, controvert, cross-examine, dead, deal with, debate, deceased, defunct, deliberate, deliberate upon, departed, dig, discourse about, discuss, drill, elucubrate, example, exanimate, exchange views, exemplar, explore, extinct, eye, give an examination, give the eye, give the once-over, go into, go over, grill, grind, handle, hard look, ideal, illustration, inanimate, inquire into, inspect, interrogate, interview, investigate, knock around, late, leer, leer at, lifeless, look at, look into, look over, lucubrate, mirror, model, monitor, observe, ogle, ogle at, overhaul, overlook, paradigm, pass over, pass under review, pattern, peer at, peruse, plunge into, pore, pore over, postmortem, practice, probe, problem, pump, query, question, quiz, rap, read, reason, reason about, reason the point, regard studiously, representative, research, restudy, review, run over, sample, sampling, scan, scrutinize, search, set an examination, shining example, sift, size, size up, sound out, specimen, standard, study, survey, swot, take a long, take stock of, take the measure, take up, talk, talk about, talk of, talk over, test, thresh out, treat, ventilate, vet, view, wade through, weigh, worm out of