List of exemplary synonyms and exemplary related words.
admirable, admonishing, admonitory, archetypal, archetypical, beyond all praise, blameless, cautionary, cautioning, characteristic, classic, classical, commendable, consummate, creditable, deserving, deterrent, developed, distinctive, distinguishing, estimable, excellent, expert, finished, fully developed, guiltless, ideal, illustrative, inculpable, innocent, irreprehensible, laudable, masterful, masterly, mature, matured, meritorious, model, monitorial, monitory, natural, naturalistic, normal, noteworthy, notificational, notifying, outstanding, paradigmatic, perfected, polished, praiseworthy, precedential, proficient, prototypal, pure, quintessential, realistic, refined, regular, representative, righteous, ripe, ripened, sample, standard, superior, t, true to form, true to type, typal, typic, typical, unblamable, unexceptionable, usual, virtuous, warning, well-deserving, worthy