List of expedient synonyms and expedient related words.
action, ad hoc measure, advantageous, advisable, agency, answer, applicable, appropriate, apropos, art, artful dodge, artifice, auspicious, banausic, becoming, befitting, behind-the-scenes influence, beneficial, benevolent, blind, bon, bonny, braw, bueno, capital, chicanery, cogent, commendable, commodious, congruous, conspiracy, contrivance, convenient, correct, countermove, coup, course of action, craft, cute trick, deceit, decent, demarche, dernier ressort, design, desirable, device, devices, dodge, effective, effort, elegant, employable, estimable, excellent, expediency, expedients, fair, fakement, famous, favorable, feasible, feint, felicitous, fetch, fine, fit, fitten, fitting, fortunate, fructuous, functional, gambit, game, gimmick, going between, good, good for, goodly, grand, grift, happy, healthy, helpful, hope, improvisation, influence, instrument, instrumentality, intermediation, intrigue, judicious, jugglery, jury-rig, jury-rigged expedient, kind, knavery, last expedient, last resort, last shift, laudable, likely, little game, lucky, machination, machinery, makeshift, maneuver, maneuvering, maneuvers, manipulation, means, measure, mechanism, mediation, medium, meet, move, nice, noble, of general utility, of help, of service, of use, opportune, pertinent, pis aller, pleasant, plot, ploy, politic, political influence, possible, practicable, practical, pragmatic, pragmatical, profitable, proper, propitious, providential, prudent, racket, recommendable, recommended, recourse, red herring, refuge, regal, resort, resource, right, ripe, royal, ruse, scheme, seasonable, seemly, service, serviceable, shake-up, shift, skillful, sleight, solution, sortable, sound, splendid, step, stopgap, stratagem, strategy, stroke, stroke of policy, substitute, subterfuge, suitable, tactic, tactical, tactical maneuvers, tactics, temporary expedient, timely, to be desired, trick, trickery, trump, useful, utilitarian, valid, very good, virtuous, well-timed, wile, wily device, wire-pulling, wise, working hypothesis, working proposition, worthwhile