List of experience synonyms and experience related words.
accept, acquaintance, adventure, affair, affect, affection, apprehend, awareness, background, be aware of, be conscious of, be exposed to, be sensible of, be subjected to, behold, blaseness, circumstance, common sense, consciousness, contact, corpus, data, datum, emotion, emotional charge, emotional shade, encounter, endure, episode, event, expertise, exposure, face, fact, facts, factual base, familiarity, feel, feel deeply, feeling, feeling tone, foreboding, go through, gut reaction, hap, happening, happenstance, have, have a sensation, hear, heartthrob, impression, incident, information, intelligence, intimacy, involvement, inwardness, judgement, ken, know, know-how, knowing, knowledge, labor under, live through, matter of fact, meet, meet up with, meet with, observation, occasion, occurrence, ordeal, participation, particular, pass through, passion, past experience, pay, perceive, percept, perception, phenomenon, practical knowledge, practice, presentiment, private knowledge, privity, profound sense, ratio cognoscendi, reaction, reality, receive, receive an impression, respond, respond to stimuli, response, response to stimuli, run up against, sagacity, sample, savoir faire, savor, savvy, seasoning, see, self-knowledge, sensation, sense, sense impression, sense perception, sensory experience, sentiment, skill, smell, sophistication, spend, stand under, suffer, survey, sustain, taste, technic, technics, technique, tempering, test, touch, trial, turn of events, undercurrent, undergo, view, wisdom, worldly wisdom