List of exploit synonyms and exploit related words.
abuse, accomplished fact, accomplishment, achievement, act, acta, action, adventure, apply, aristeia, attainment, beguile, benefit from, bestow, bleed, bleed white, blow, bold stroke, capitalize on, cash in on, clip, coup, cultivate, dealings, deed, do, doing, doings, drain, effort, employ, emprise, endeavor, enterprise, exercise, fait accompli, feat, finesse, fleece, gest, go, gouge, hand, handiwork, handle, heroic act, hold up, ill-use, impose, impose upon, improve, improve the occasion, job, jockey, make capital of, make hay, make use of, maneuver, manipulate, measure, milk, misuse, move, operation, overcharge, overprice, overt act, overtax, passage, performance, play, play on, presume upon, proceeding, production, profit by, profiteer, put to advantage, res gestae, screw, skin, soak, step, stick, sting, stroke, stunt, suck dry, surcharge, swindle, take advantage of, thing, thing done, tour de force, trade on, transaction, turn, turn to account, turn to profit, turn to use, undertaking, use, use ill, use to advantage, utilize, venture, victimize, work, work on, work upon, works