List of expression synonyms and expression related words.
Christophany, Parthian shot, Satanophany, accent, adage, address, adjectival phrase, affirmation, air, airing, allegation, ana, analects, angelophany, announcement, answer, antonym, aphorism, apostrophe, apothegm, appearance, ardor, articulateness, articulation, aspect, assertion, asseveration, avatar, averment, avulsion, axiom, byword, cantando, cast, catchword, characterization, choice of words, clause, collected sayings, command of language, command of words, comment, communication, composition, concentration, construction, countenance, crack, current saying, cutting out, declaration, decoction, delivery, demilegato, demonstration, denomination, denotation, depth, deracination, designation, dialect, dictate, diction, dictum, differentiation, disclosure, disentanglement, dissemination, distich, distillation, drawing, drawing out, dredging, drilling, effective style, eloquence, eloquent tongue, embodiment, emotion, enucleation, enunciation, epigram, epiphany, eradication, evidence, evincement, evolvement, evulsion, excavation, excision, exclamation, execution, expressiveness, exsection, extirpation, extraction, extrication, face, facundity, feeling, felicitousness, felicity, fingering, formulation, free form, gesture, gift of expression, gift of gab, glibness, glissando, gnome, golden saying, grammar, graphicness, greeting, headed group, hint, homograph, homonym, homophone, identification, idiom, idiotism, incarnation, indication, indicativeness, infusion, intensity, interjection, intonation, issue, language, legato, lexeme, linguistic form, locution, logos, look, loudness, manifestation, manner of speaking, materialization, maxim, meaning, meaningfulness, mention, metonym, mezzo staccato, mien, minimum free form, mining, monosyllable, moral, mot, motto, music-making, naming, note, noun phrase, nuance, observation, oracle, oratory, paragraph, parlance, parlando, passion, pathos, peculiar expression, performance, period, phrasal idiom, phrase, phraseology, phrasing, pianism, picking out, pithy saying, pizzicato, pneumatophany, pointing, pointing out, pointing to, polysyllable, position, precept, prescript, pressing, pressing out, pronouncement, proof, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, publication, pulling, quarrying, question, reflection, remark, reminder, removal, rendering, rendition, repercussion, representation, revelation, rhetoric, ripping out, rubato, saw, say, saying, selection, sensitivity, sentence, sententious expression, set phrase, shading, show, showing, sign, signification, silver tongue, slickness, sloka, slur, smoothness, soaking, softness, specification, speech, spiccato, spirit, squeezing, squeezing out, staccato, standard phrase, statement, steeping, stock saying, style, subjoinder, suggestion, sutra, syllable, symbol, symptomaticness, synonym, syntactic structure, talk, teaching, term, text, theophany, thought, token, tone, touch, turn of expression, turn of phrase, unrooting, uprooting, usage, use of words, usus loquendi, utterance, vent, verb complex, verb phrase, verbalism, verbalization, verbiage, verbum, verse, visage, vividness, vocable, voice, voicing, way of speaking, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, withdrawal, witticism, word, word-group, wordage, wording, words of wisdom, wresting out