List of fabric synonyms and fabric related words.
Aralac, Avisco, Axminster, Celanese, Dacron, Dymaxion house, Dynel, Georgette, Harris Tweed, Lastex, Leatherette, Orlon, Qiana, Revolite, Terylene, Ultrasuede, Velon, Vicara, White House, acetate, acetate rayon, adobe house, alpaca, anatomy, architectonics, architecture, arrangement, arras, astrakhan, atoms, baize, batik, blanketing, braiding, broadcloth, broadloom, brocade, build, building, bunting, cadre, calico, cambric, canvas, carpeting, casa, case, casement, cashmere, casing, castor, chassis, cheesecloth, chiffon, chinchilla, chintz, cliff dwelling, cloth, coating, composition, configuration, conformation, constitution, construct, construction, consulate, cord, corduroy, core, cotton, country house, country seat, crash, creation, crepe, crepe de chine, cretonne, crinoline, dacha, damask, deanery, denim, distillate, distillation, doeskin, doorframe, drapery, drill, drilling, drugget, duck, duffel, dwelling house, edifice, elixir, embassy, enlacement, entwinement, entwining, erection, essence, establishment, etoffe, fabrication, farm, farmhouse, fashion, fashioning, felt, fiber, flannel, flannelette, fleece, forging, form, format, formation, foulard, foundation, frame, framework, framing, frieze, fustian, gauze, getup, gingham, gist, goods, gossamer, grenadine, grogram, grosgrain, gunny, haircloth, hall, heart, herringbone, hessian, homespun, hop sacking, horsehair, house, houseboat, huck, huckaback, interknitting, interlacement, interlacery, interlacing, intertexture, interthreading, intertieing, intertwinement, intertwining, intertwisting, interweavement, interweaving, jersey, kernel, knitting, lace, lacing, lake dwelling, lame, lattice, latticework, lawn, linen, linoleum, linsey-woolsey, lisle, list, living machine, loden, lodge, longcloth, luster, mackinaw, mackintosh, madras, make, makeup, making, maline, manor house, manse, manta, mantua, manufacture, marquisette, marrow, mat, material, matter, matting, meat, medium, melton, messaline, mohair, moire, mold, molding, moleskin, mousseline de soie, murrey, muslin, nainsook, nankeen, napery, near-silk, net, netting, nub, nylon, oil silk, oilcloth, organdy, organic structure, organism, organization, organza, packaged house, paisley, panne, panne velvet, parsonage, pattern, patterning, penthouse, pepper-and-salt, percale, physique, picture frame, pile, pique, pith, plaid, plaiting, plan, plush, polyester, pongee, poplin, prefab, prefabricated house, prefabrication, presidential palace, print, production, pyramid, quilting, quintessence, radium, rag, ranch house, rayon, rayon casheen, rectory, rep, roof, rugging, russet, sackcloth, sacking, sailcloth, sap, sarcenet, sash, sateen, satin, say, seersucker, serge, setup, shalloon, shantung, shape, shaping, sharkskin, sheers, sheeting, shell, shoddy, shot silk, silk, skeleton, skyscraper, sod house, soul, spirit, split-level, spun rayon, stamin, stammel, stockinette, structure, structuring, stuff, substance, suede, sum and substance, superstructure, swansdown, tabaret, tabby, taffeta, taffety, tangible, tapestry, tarpaulin, tartan, tectonics, terry cloth, textile, textile fabric, texture, tick, ticking, tissu, tissue, tower, town house, tricotine, tulle, tussah, tussore, tweed, twill, twining, twisting, veiling, velours, velure, velvet, velveteen, vicarage, voile, warp and woof, warpage, wash-and-wear fabric, watered fabric, weave, weaving, web, webbing, weft, weftage, window case, window frame, woof, wool, worsted, wreathing