List of face synonyms and face related words.
Communist threat, Western imperialism, accept, account, acknowledge, acting, admit, affectation, affront, air, allow, anteriority, anticipate, apparently, appear, appearance, apply paint, approach, arrive, arrogance, ascender, aspect, atrocity story, attitudinizing, audacity, await, back, balls, banner, banter, bastard type, battle hymn, be imminent, be in store, be seen, beard, bearing, bedaub, bedizen, begild, bell the cat, belly, besmear, bevel, bid defiance, bite the bullet, black letter, bloody shirt, bluff, bluffing, board, boastfulness, body, bold front, boldness, border, brashness, brass, brave, brave face, brave front, brazen, brazen out, brazenly, breast, brew, brick, bring before, bring forward, bring up, brow, browbeat, brush on paint, bump heads, calcimine, call out, camouflage, candidly, cap, capital, carriage, case, cast, cast of countenance, ceil, challenge, cheating, cheek, chutzpah, circumference, clad, clapboard, cliff, cloak, clock, close, coat, color, coloring, colors, come on, come up against, complexion, conceit, confess, confront, confront with, confronting, contemplate, contend, contrapose, contraposit, contrast, conversion factor, cope with, cortex, countenance, counter, counteract, cover, covering, cow, crag, crostarie, crust, dab, dare, daring, daub, deal with, deception, deep-dye, defy, delusion, demeanor, descender, despite, dial, dignity, dip, directly, disguise, display, dissemblance, dissembling, dissimulation, distemper, double-dare, double-dye, draw near, draw nigh, draw on, dread, dress, dye, effrontery, em, emblazon, en, enamel, encounter, engild, envelope, envisage, epidermis, escarpment, evidently, expansionism, expect, experience, expression, exterior, external, eyeball to eyeball, facade, face down, face out, face the music, face to face, face up, face up to, face upon, face value, face with, facet, facia, facial appearance, facies, facing, fakery, faking, false, false air, false front, false show, falsity, fast-dye, fat-faced type, favor, feather, feature, features, feet, feigning, feint, fiery cross, fight, fill, finish, font, fore, forefront, foreground, forehand, foreland, forepart, forequarter, foresee, foreside, foreword, forthcome, four-flushing, frankly, fraud, fresco, fringe, front, front elevation, front man, front matter, front on, front page, front view, frontage, frontal, frontier, frontispiece, fur, gall, garb, gather, gaze, gild, gilt, give upon, glare, glass, glaze, gloss, gonfalon, grain, grimace, groove, guise, guts, gutsiness, hang over, haughtiness, have in mind, head, heading, high place, honor, hope, hover, hue, humbug, humbuggery, illuminate, image, imbue, impend, imperialist threat, impertinence, imposture, impudence, in defiance of, in opposition to, in spite of, independence, ingrain, inlay, integument, interline, intimidate, italic, japan, kisser, kudos, lacquer, lap, lath, lay before, lay on color, letter, lie opposite, lie over, ligature, line, lineaments, lines, load, logotype, look, look for, look out upon, look over, look toward, looks, loom, lower, lower case, majuscule, make a face, manifest destiny, map, market value, martial music, mask, masquerade, match, meet, meet boldly, meet head-on, meet squarely, meet with, menace, meretriciousness, mien, minuscule, mug, mush, muzzle, name, national anthem, near, nerve, net worth, nick, notwithstanding, obverse, openly, oppose, opposite, ostentation, outdare, outer face, outer layer, outer side, outer skin, outface, outline, outside, outward show, overawe, overhang, overlay, overlook, pack, pad, paint, palisade, palisades, pan, paper, par value, pardonable pride, parget, pennyworth, periphery, phiz, physiognomy, pi, pica, pigment, place before, plank, playacting, point, polarize, port, pose, pose against, posing, position, posture, precipice, preface, prefix, presence, present to, prestige, presume, presumption, pretense, pretension, pretext, pride, pridefulness, prime, print, priority, proscenium, proudness, purse-pride, puss, put in opposition, put it to, rank, rate, representation, reputation, repute, resist, revet, right side, rind, roman, run the gauntlet, sans serif, scar, scarp, scream defiance, script, seeming, seemingly, self-confidence, self-consequence, self-determination, self-esteem, self-reliance, self-respect, self-sufficiency, semblance, set at defiance, set before, set over against, shade, shadow, shake, sham, shank, sheathe, shell, shellac, shingle, shoulder, show, show fight, show up, showing, simulacrum, simulation, skin, slate, slop on paint, small cap, small capital, smear, speak out, speak up, speciousness, stain, stamp, stance, stand opposed, stand opposite, stand up to, standing, stare, stare down, station, stature, status, steep, stem, stiff-necked pride, stiff-neckedness, stipple, stone, stuff, subdue, subtend, superficially, superficies, superstratum, surface, take, take for granted, tete-a-tete, thatch, think, threaten, tile, tinct, tincture, tinge, tint, tone, top, traits, turn, turn up, type, type body, type class, type lice, typecase, typeface, typefounders, typefoundry, undercoat, upper case, value, value received, vanity, varnish, veneer, venture, vis-a-vis, visage, wad, wainscot, wall, wall in, wall up, wallpaper, war song, wash, watch, weatherboard, window dressing, withstand, worth, yellow peril