List of favor synonyms and favor related words.
OK, abet, abetment, accept, acceptance, accommodate, accomplishment, accord respect to, account, acculturate, acknowledgment, act of courtesy, act of grace, act of kindness, adherence, admiration, admire, adopt, adoration, adore, advance, advantage, advocacy, advocate, aegis, affinity, aid, aid and abet, aim at, air, ameliorate, amend, amenity, an in, answer, ape, apotheosis, apotheosize, appear like, appreciate, appreciation, approach, approbation, approval, approve, approve of, approximate, ascendancy, assist, assistance, attention, auspices, authority, avail, awe, baby, back, backing, bad books, bag, bail out, be desirous of, be like, be partial to, be redolent of, bear a hand, bear resemblance, bearing, befriend, behind, benediction, benefaction, benefit, benevolence, benignity, bent, better, bias, billet, blank check, bless, blessing, boon, boost, break no bones, breathless adoration, bring forward, bring to mind, brow, business letter, call to mind, call up, care, carriage, carte blanche, cast, cast of countenance, cater to, champion, championship, charisma, charity, charm, chit, choose, choose rather, chosen kind, civility, civilize, clemency, clout, coddle, color, come close, come near, comfort, commemoration, commiseration, communication, compare with, compassion, complexion, compliment, condolence, conduce to, consequence, consideration, contribute to, control, convenience, cooperation, copy, copyright, correspond, cosset, countenance, counterfeit, courtesy, credit, cup of tea, deanship, defer to, deference, deification, deify, demeanor, desiderate, desire, dial, discriminate, dispatch, dispensation, disposition, do a favor, do a service, do good, do no harm, do right by, doctor, dominance, domination, drag, druthers, duty, ease, edify, educate, effect, elect, elevate, emend, eminence, enchantment, encourage, encouragement, endorse, endorsement, enhance, enlighten, enrich, entertain respect for, epistle, espouse, esteem, estimation, evoke, exaggerated respect, exalt, excellence, expedite, face, facial appearance, facies, facilitate, fancy, fascination, fatten, favorable regard, favorable vote, favoritism, feature, features, feeling, fellow feeling, follow, for, forbearance, force, forgiveness, forward, foster, fosterage, franchise, freedom, friendly relations, further, garb, gesture, give a boost, give a hand, give a lift, give help, give way to, go for, go in for, go straight, good deed, good feeling, good graces, good offices, good terms, good turn, good understanding, goodwill, grace, graceful gesture, grant, gratify, great respect, greatness, guidance, guise, harmony, hasten, have a bias, have designs on, have preference, have rather, hearten, help, hero worship, hero-worship, high regard, hold, hold in esteem, hold in reverence, hold with, homage, honor, honor before, humanity, humor, idolatry, idolization, idolize, imitate, immunity, importance, improve, improve upon, in back of, in favor of, in support of, incidental power, inclination, incomparability, indulge, indulgence, influence, influentiality, inimitability, inside track, insinuation, interest, keep in countenance, keepsake, kind deed, kind offices, kindly act, kindness, kisser, labor of love, lard, largess, lead, leadership, lean towards, leaning, lend a hand, lend one aid, lend wings to, leniency, letter, leverage, liberty, license, lift, like, like better, line, lineaments, lines, look like, look up to, looks, love, lust, lust after, magnetism, majority, make an improvement, make for, manna, map, mastery, match, meliorate, memento, memento mori, memorabilia, memorial, memorials, memories, mend, mercy, message, mien, mimic, mirror, missive, mitigation, mitzvah, mollycoddle, moment, mug, mush, mutual affinity, mutual attraction, mutual regard, near, nearly reproduce, nod, not tell apart, note, nurture, obligation, oblige, office, one-upmanship, opinion, opt for, pamper, pan, parallel, pardon, partake of, partiality, particular choice, patent, pathos, patronage, penchant, personal choice, personality, persuasion, phiz, physiognomy, pity, play favorites, please, polite act, port, posture, potency, power, precedence, predilection, predisposition, predominance, predomination, preeminence, prefer, prefer to, preference, prejudice, preponderance, prepossession, prepotence, prepotency, prerogative, presence, present, pressure, prestige, priority, privilege, prize, pro, proclivity, proffer aid, profit, promote, propensity, protect, pull, purchase, push forward, puss, put forward, quarter, quicken, raise, rally, rapport, rather, reclaim, recommend, redeem, refine upon, reform, regard, reign, relic, relief, relieve, remedy, remembrance, remembrancer, remind one of, render assistance, reply, reprieve, repute, rescript, rescue, resemble, respect, restore, resuscitate, revere, reverence, reverential regard, revive, right-of-way, rule, ruth, sanction, satisfy, save, savor of, say, seal of approval, seconding, see fit, seem like, select, self-pity, seniority, serve, service, set before, set forward, set up, shine upon, show kindness to, show preference, side with, simulate, single out, skill, smack of, smile upon, socialize, sound like, souvenir, special favor, speed, spoil, sponsor, sponsorship, stack up with, stamp of approval, stance, straighten out, style, suasion, subscribe, subtle influence, success, succor, suction, suggest, suggestion, superiority, support, supremacy, sway, sympathy, take after, take in tow, take kindly to, take to, taste, tendency, thing, think best, think fit, think highly of, think much of, think proper, think well of, token, token of remembrance, traits, transcendence, transcendency, transfigure, transform, treat unequally, treat well, trophy, turn, tutelage, type, upgrade, uphold, uplift, upper hand, urbanity, value, venerate, veneration, view, view with favor, virtuosity, visage, voice, vote, want, warrant, weight, whip hand, wish, wish to goodness, wish very much, worship, worth, would fain do, yea, yea vote, yield to