List of favorably synonyms and favorably related words.
accordantly, acquiescently, advantageously, affirmatively, agreeably, amelioratively, amiably, amicably, approvingly, ardently, arm in arm, as lief, assentingly, auspiciously, beneficially, benignantly, benignly, brightly, compliantly, congenially, consentingly, cordially, enthusiastically, fain, familiarly, fortunately, friendliwise, friendly, genially, good, graciously, hand in hand, happily, heartily, helpfully, helpingly, humanely, humanly, indulgently, intimately, kindheartedly, kindly, lief, lieve, luckily, melioratively, nicely, nothing loath, pleasantly, positively, profitably, promisingly, propitiously, prosperously, satisfyingly, serviceably, softheartedly, successfully, swimmingly, tenderheartedly, to advantage, to the good, ungrudgingly, ungrumblingly, unreluctantly, usefully, warmheartedly, warmly, well, willingly, with advantage, with open arms, without demur, without hesitation, without reluctance, yes