List of feeler synonyms and feeler related words.
advance, antenna, approach, asking price, barb, barbel, barbule, barometer, bid, bone of contention, cat whisker, catechism, cross-interrogatory, cross-question, debating point, demand, foretaste, hint, inquiry, interrogation, interrogative, interrogatory, invitation, issue, kiteflying, leader, leading, leading question, moot point, offer, offering, overture, palp, palpus, pilot balloon, point at issue, point in question, preliminary approach, presentation, probe, problem, proffer, query, question, question at issue, question mark, quodlibet, random sample, sample, sensor, sound, sounder, straw vote, submission, suggestion, tactile cell, tactile corpuscle, tactile hair, tactile organ, tactile process, tactor, tentative approach, test, tester, topic, trial balloon, vexed question, vibrissa, weather vane, weathercock