List of fervent synonyms and fervent related words.
abandoned, ablaze, afire, animated, ardent, assiduous, blazing, boiling, boiling over, breathless, burning, burning with excitement, captivated, committed, cordial, dedicated, delirious, devoted, devout, diligent, drunk, eager, earnest, ecstatic, emotional, emphatic, energetic, enraptured, enthusiastic, excited, exciting, exuberant, faithful, fanatical, febrile, fervid, fevered, feverish, fiery, flaming, flushed, frantic, frenzied, glowing, hard, hardworking, heartfelt, hearty, heated, hectic, het up, hot, hot-blooded, hotheaded, impassioned, in earnest, in rut, indefatigable, industrious, inflamed, intense, intent, intent on, intoxicated, keen, laborious, lively, loyal, never idle, on fire, passionate, perfervid, pious, provoking, rapt, rapturous, red-hot, relentless, religious, resolute, responsive, sedulous, seething, serious, sexually excited, sincere, sleepless, spirited, steaming, steamy, stimulating, stirring, strenuous, tender, tireless, transported, unfeigned, unflagging, unremitting, unrestrained, unsleeping, unsparing, unwearied, urgent, vehement, vigorous, warm, warmhearted, white-hot, wholehearted, zealous