List of file synonyms and file related words.
Indian file, KP, ablate, abrade, abrase, achievement, aculeate, acuminate, alerion, alphabetize, aluminum oxide, ammunition box, analyze, animal charge, annulet, apply for, archives, argent, ark, armorial bearings, armory, arms, army, army group, arrange, array, articulation, ask, ask for, assort, attache case, auto polish, azure, backpack, bandeau, bandolier, bank, bar, bar sinister, barb, bark, baton, battalion, battery, battle group, bearings, beg leave, bend, bend sinister, bespeak, bibliography, billet, billfold, bin, blank, blazon, blazonry, book, boot, bordure, box, break down, briefcase, brigade, broad arrow, bulletin board, bundle away, bunker, buzz, cache, cadency mark, cadre, caisson, calendar, call for, canister, canton, capsula, capsule, card, card catalog, cardcase, carton, carve, case, casket, catalog, catalog card, catalogue raisonne, categorize, catena, catenation, cedar chest, chafe, chain, chain reaction, chaining, chalk, chalk up, chancery, chaplet, charge, check in, chest, chevron, chief, chirograph, chronicle, chronologize, cigarette case, cist, class, classified catalog, classify, coat of arms, cockatrice, codify, coffer, coffin, cohort, colcothar, column, combat command, combat team, compact, company, complete, concatenation, cone, connection, consecution, continuum, coronet, corps, corundum, course, crate, crave, crescent, crest, crib, crocus, cross, cross moline, crown, cuspidate, cut, cycle, data, defile, demand, deposit, descent, desire, detachment, detail, device, difference, differencing, digest, disc, dispatch box, divide, division, docket, document, documentation, dossier, drone, eagle, echelon, edge, emery, emery board, emery paper, endless belt, endless round, engrave, enroll, enscroll, enter, enumerate, envelope, erase, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, erode, escutcheon, etui, falcon, fess, fess point, field, field army, field train, file folder, file for, file off, files, filiation, filing box, filing card, filing system, fill out, film, finding list, flanch, fleur-de-lis, flying column, folder, folio, footslog, form, fray, frazzle, fret, fur, fusil, gall, gamut, garland, garnet, garrison, gnaw, gnaw away, go on parade, goose-step, gradation, grade, grate, grave, graze, griffin, grind, group, gules, gyron, handlist, hatchment, helmet, heraldic device, hike, holograph, holster, hone, honor point, hope chest, housewife, hum, hussy, hutch, impalement, impaling, impanel, incise, indent, index, index card, inescutcheon, information, inscribe, insert, instrument, inventory, itemize, jot down, keep score, kit, kitchen police, label, lay away, lay down, lay in, lay in store, legal document, legal instrument, legal paper, legion, letter file, library catalog, line, lineage, lion, list, lodge, log, lozenge, magnetic tape, make a memorandum, make a note, make a request, make a requisition, make an entry, make application, make out, maniple, mantling, march, march past, mark down, marshaling, martlet, mascle, matriculate, metal, microcard, microdot, microfiche, microfilm, minute, monotone, monstrance, motion-picture film, motto, mullet, mush, nail file, nexus, nombril point, note, note down, octofoil, official document, oilstone, or, order, ordinary, organization, organize, orle, ostensorium, outfit, pack away, packet, packing case, pale, paly, paper, papers, parade, parchment, pean, pendulum, periodicity, personal file, phalanx, pheon, phonograph record, pigeonhole, pigeonholes, pillbox, place, place upon record, platoon, platter, plenum, pod, point, polishes, poll, portfolio, posse, post, post up, powder box, powder train, program, progression, promenade, pumice, pumice stone, purpure, put away, put down, put in for, put in order, put in writing, put on paper, put on tape, quarter, quartering, queue, quiver, rack, range, rank, rasp, rate, raze, record, recurrence, reduce to writing, regiment, register, register office, registry, reliquary, reposit, request, requisition, reservoir, reset, reticulation, roll, rose, rotation, rottenstone, rouge, round, routine, row, rub away, rub off, rub out, run, sable, salt away, salt down, saltire, sand, sandblast, sandpaper, sarcophagus, scabbard, scale, schedule, score, scoreboard, scorecard, scoresheet, scour, scrape, scrip, script, scroll, scrub, scuff, scutcheon, section, sequence, series, set, set down, sharpen, sheath, shield, shoe polish, silicon carbide, silver polish, single file, skin, skippet, slip, snuffbox, socket, sort, spectacle case, spectrum, spiculate, spread eagle, spur, squad, squadron, stash, store, store away, stow, stow away, stow down, strap, string, strop, subdivide, submit, subordinary, succession, swath, systematize, tabulate, tactical unit, take down, tally, tape, tape-record, taper, task force, tea chest, tenne, thread, ticker tape, tier, till, tincture, tinderbox, torse, train, tramp, tressure, troop, type, unicorn, unit, vair, vanity case, vasculum, vert, videotape, walk, wallet, warehouse, wax, wear, wear away, whet, whistle for, windrow, wing, wish, wreath, writ, write, write down, write in, write out, write up, writing, yale