List of finger synonyms and finger related words.
accuse, acquire, advert to, allege, allude to, annulary, appoint, arraign, article, be master of, be taken as, bear witness, betray, book, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, bring to mind, buy, call to mind, charge, cite, claws, clutches, come by, come in contact, complain, condemn to death, dactylion, denominate, denote, denounce, denunciate, designate, determinate, diagnose, digit, digits, disappear, discover, distinguish, do something, dominate, elude, emblematize, escape, fangs, fasten on, fasten upon, feel, feel of, figure, figure in, find, fingernails, fingers, flick, forefinger, get away, get cracking, get hold of, handle, hands, hang something on, have under control, hit, hooks, identify, impeach, imply, impute, index, index finger, indicate, indict, influence, inform against, inform on, insinuate, jaws, lay charges, little finger, locate, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, lord it over, make, make a move, make an attempt, make an effort, mandibles, manipulate, maxillae, meathooks, medius, middle finger, minimus, mitts, monkey with, nails, name, nippers, nominate, offer, palm, palpate, paw, pick out, pin down, pin on, pincers, pinkie, pinpoint, place, ply, point at, point out, point to, poke at, pollex, pounces, prefer charges, press charges, prod, punch, purchase, put on report, recall, recognize, recollect, refer to, remember, report, reproach, ring finger, select, snitch on, specify, spot, stand for, stigmatize, strike, symbol, symbolize, take to task, talons, tap, task, tattle on, taunt with, tax, teeth, tell on, think of, thumb, touch, track down, twiddle, twit, typify, unearth, unguals, ungulae, vanish, wield, zero in on