List of firebrand synonyms and firebrand related words.
Mafioso, Young Turk, agent provocateur, agitator, agitprop, beast, beldam, berserk, berserker, bomber, brand, brute, burning ember, butane lighter, catalyst, cigarette lighter, cinder, coal, demagogue, demon, devil, dragon, ember, exciter, fiend, fire-eater, flambeau, flint, flint and steel, fomenter, fury, goon, gorilla, gunsel, hardnose, hell-raiser, hellcat, hellhound, hellion, holy terror, hood, hoodlum, hothead, hotspur, igniter, incendiary, inciter, inflamer, instigator, killer, light, lighter, live coal, mad dog, madcap, mischief-maker, monster, mugger, portfire, provocateur, provoker, rabble-rouser, rapist, revolutionary, ringleader, rouser, savage, seditionary, seditionist, she-wolf, sparker, spill, spitfire, taper, termagant, terror, terrorist, tiger, tigress, torch, tough, tough guy, troublemaker, ugly customer, urger, violent, virago, vixen, wild beast, witch, wolf