List of firing synonyms and firing related words.
afflatus, agitation, alcohol, animating spirit, animation, animus, antiaircraft fire, archery, arousal, benzine, briquette, burnable, butane, carbon, cashiering, casting, charcoal, chucking, coal, coke, combustible, conge, cross fire, curtain fire, deconsecration, defrocking, deposal, deposition, deprivation, dethronement, direct fire, disbarment, disbarring, discharge, discrownment, disemployment, disenthronement, dismissal, displacement, displacing, divine afflatus, dope, drumming out, dry fire, enlivenment, ethane, ethanol, exasperation, excitation, excitement, excommunication, exhilaration, expulsion, file fire, fire, fire of demolition, fireball, firepower, fireworks, flack, flak, flammable, flammable material, flammation, flinging, fomentation, forced resignation, forced separation, fuel, fuel additive, fuel dope, furloughing, gas, gas carbon, gasoline, genius, ground fire, gunfight, gunfire, gunnery, gunplay, heaving, heptane, hexane, high-angle fire, horizontal fire, hurling, ignition, impeachment, incitation, incitement, infection, inflammable, inflammable material, inflammation, infusion, inspiration, instigation, interdiction fire, irritation, isooctane, jaculation, jet fuel, kerosene, kicking upstairs, kindling, layoff, lighting, lighting up, liquidation, lobbing, machine-gun fire, methane, methanol, mortar fire, moving spirit, musketry, natural gas, octane, oil, ousting, overthrow, overthrowal, paraffin, peat, pensioning off, pentane, pep rally, pep talk, percussion fire, pink slip, pistol fire, pitching, projection, propane, propellant, provocation, purge, rabble-rousing, raking fire, rapid fire, removal, retirement, ricochet fire, rifle fire, rocket fuel, shellfire, shoot-out, shooting, skeet, skeet shooting, slinging, stimulation, stirring, stirring-up, superannuation, surplusing, suspension, the ax, the boot, the bounce, the gate, the sack, throwing, ticket, time fire, trajection, trapshooting, turf, unchurching, unfrocking, unseating, vertical fire, walking papers, zone fire