List of flam synonyms and flam related words.
ballot-box stuffing, balls, baloney, beat, beguile of, bilk, blague, bosh, bull, bullshit, bunco, bunk, bunkum, burn, cardsharping, cheat, cheating, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, claptrap, cock-and-bull story, cog, cog the dice, con, cozen, cozenage, crap, crib, deception, defraud, diddle, diddling, dishonesty, do in, do out of, dodge, euchre, exaggeration, eyewash, fairy tale, fake, fakement, falsehood, falsity, farfetched story, farrago, fib, fiction, finagle, fish story, fishy transaction, fleece, flimflam, fob, fraud, fraudulence, fraudulency, fudge, gammon, gerrymandering, ghost story, gouge, graft, grift, gull, gyp, gyp joint, half-truth, have, hoax, hocus, hocus-pocus, hogwash, hoke, hokum, hooey, humbug, humbuggery, illicit business, imposition, imposture, jiggery-pokery, legal fiction, lie, little white lie, mendacity, moonshine, mulct, pack the deal, phony, pigeon, pious fiction, practice fraud upon, prevarication, put-on, racket, rip-off, rook, scam, screw, sell, sell gold bricks, sham, shave, shortchange, slight stretching, spoof, stack the cards, stick, sting, story, swindle, take a dive, tale, tall story, tall tale, taradiddle, thimblerig, throw a fight, trumped-up story, untruth, victimize, white lie, yarn