List of flatulence synonyms and flatulence related words.
Barnumism, aeriness, affectation, bedizenment, big talk, bloat, bloatedness, bloating, blowing up, convolution, diastole, dilatation, dilation, distension, dropsy, edema, ethereality, fart, flashiness, flatulency, flatuosity, flatus, fluidity, fulsomeness, garishness, gas, gaseity, gaseous state, gaseousness, gassiness, gaudiness, grandiloquence, grandioseness, grandiosity, high-flown diction, inflatedness, inflation, intumescence, lexiphanicism, loftiness, luridness, magniloquence, mere rhetoric, meretriciousness, meteorism, orotundity, ostentation, ostentatious complexity, platitudinous ponderosity, polysyllabic profundity, pomposity, pompous prolixity, pompousness, pontification, pretension, pretentiousness, prose run mad, puff, puffiness, puffing, rhetoric, rhetoricalness, sensationalism, sententiousness, showiness, stiltedness, stretching, swell, swellage, swelling, swelling utterance, swollen phrase, swollenness, tall talk, tortuosity, tortuousness, tumefaction, tumescence, tumidity, tumidness, turgescence, turgidity, turgidness, tympanism, tympany, vapor pressure, vaporiness, vaporousness, wind, windiness