List of flirt synonyms and flirt related words.
Circe, Don Juan, Lorelei, Parthenope, Siren, Sunday painter, allure, amateur, bait, bait the hook, beak, blandish, bob, brush, bunt, cajole, captive, cast coquettish glances, catch, charmer, chuck, coax, conquest, consider, contemplate, coquet, coquette, dab, dabble, dabbler, dallier, dally, date, decoy, dilettante, draw, draw in, draw on, enchanter, enchantress, ensnare, entertain, entice, enticer, eye, femme fatale, fiddle, fiddle with, fiddle-faddle, fidget with, fillip, finger with, flick, flip, flirt with, flounce, fool, fool around, fool with, fribble, frivol, gallivant, give the come-on, gold digger, gold-dig, graze, hitch, honey, horse around, hussy, idle, inveigle, inveigler, jerk, jerk off, jig, jigger, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, kid around, lady-killer, lead on, loiter, look sweet upon, lounge lizard, lure, make eyes at, masher, mess around, minx, monkey, monkey around, offer bait to, ogle, pat, peck, pet, philander, philanderer, pick, piddle, piddler, play, play around, play with, playboy, pluck, potter, potterer, putter, putterer, rap, rope in, run around, seduce, seducer, seductress, sheik, siren, smatter, smatterer, snake, snap, snatch, start, steady, string, strumpet, suck in, sudden pull, sweet patootie, sweetheart, sweetie, tantalize, tap, tease, teaser, tempter, temptress, think about, think of, tickle, tinker, tip, touch, toy, toy with, trifle, trifle with, trifler, tweak, twiddle, twitch, vamp, vampire, whisk, whore, wolf, woo, wrench, yank, yerk