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flit synonyms and flit related words

Synonyms -> flit synonyms

List of flit synonyms and flit related words.

advance, aeroplane, air speed, airlift, airplane, auntie, ball the jack, balloon, barrel, bat around, be airborne, beat, beating, bi-guy, bicker, bisexual, boom, bowl along, breeze, breeze along, brush, bull dyke, bum, butch, catamite, celerity, chicken, clip, coast, commute, continue, count ties, course, cover ground, cruise, cut along, dance, dart, disappear, dispatch, divagate, drift, dyke, elapse, emigrate, endure, evanesce, evaporate, expatriate, expedition, expire, fade, fag, faggot, fairy, fare, fare forth, fastness, femme, ferry, fetch, flap, flash, flee, fleet, flick, flicker, flight, flip, flitter, float, flop, flow, flow on, flurry, flutter, fly, fly low, foot, fricatrice, fruit, gad, gad about, gallivant, gang, glide, glissade, go, go about, go along, go by, go fast, go on, go pitapat, go the rounds, ground speed, gunsel, gutter, haste, hasten, hie, highball, hit the road, hit the trail, hobo, homo, homophile, homosexual, homosexualist, hop, hover, hurry, hydroplane, ice-skate, immigrate, in-migrate, instantaneousness, intermigrate, invert, jaunt, jet, knock about, knock around, knots, lapse, last, lesbian, lightning speed, make knots, meander, melt, melt like snow, migrate, miles per hour, mooch, move, move along, move on, nance, navigate, nip, nomadize, out-migrate, outstrip the wind, palpitate, palpitation, pansy, pass, pass away, pass by, pathic, peregrinate, pererrate, pitapat, pitter-patter, pour it on, precipitation, press on, proceed, progress, promptitude, promptness, prowl, pulse, punk, queen, queer, quickness, quiver, ramble, range, rapidity, remigrate, rip, roam, roll, roll on, roller-skate, round pace, rove, rpm, run, run about, run its course, run on, run out, rush, sail, sailplane, sapphist, sashay, saunter, scorch, scud, seaplane, shake, sideslip, sink, sizzle, skate, skateboard, ski, skid, skim, skip, slat, sled, sleigh, slide, slip, slither, snappiness, soar, speed, speediness, splutter, sputter, storm along, straggle, stray, stream, stroll, swarm, sweep, swift rate, swiftness, take the air, take wing, tatter, tear, tear along, throb, thunder along, toboggan, traipse, tramp, transmigrate, travel, trek, tribade, vagabond, vagabondize, vanish, velocity, volplane, walk the tracks, wander, wave, waver, wayfare, wend, whisk, whiz, wing, zing, zip, zoom