List of floating synonyms and floating related words.
Australian crawl, Hare system, PR, absentee voting, adrift, afloat, aquaplaning, aquatics, awash, backstroke, ballot-box stuffing, balneation, bathe, bathing, breaststroke, buoyant, butterfly, card voting, circumforaneous, clear, colonization, coming out, crawl, cumulative system, cumulative voting, curtain raiser, debut, discursive, divagatory, diving, dog paddle, drifting, election fraud, embarkation, embarkment, errant, fin, first appearance, fishtail, flapper, flipper, flitting, floatable, floaty, flotation, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, free, fugitive, gadding, gypsy-like, gypsyish, inaugural address, inauguration, induction, initiation, installation, installment, introduction, landloping, launching, list system, loose, maiden speech, meandering, migrational, migratory, natation, nomad, nomadic, opener, plural system, preferential system, preferential voting, preliminary, proportional representation, proxy voting, rambling, ranging, repeating, rickety, roaming, roving, shaky, shifting, sidestroke, single system, single transferrable vote, single-member district, straggling, straying, strolling, supernatant, surfboarding, surfing, swim, swimming, traipsing, transient, transitory, transmigratory, treading water, unanchored, unbound, undone, unfastened, unfixed, unstuck, untied, unveiling, vagabond, vagrant, vote, voting, voting machine, wading, wandering, water-borne, waterskiing