List of flock synonyms and flock related words.
a mass of, a world of, army, assemble, assembly, band, band together, bang, bangs, bevy, body, brethren, bunch, charm, chip, churchgoers, class, cloud, cluster, clutter, cohue, collect, collection, colony, come together, company, congregate, congregation, convoy, covey, crowd, crush, dandruff, deluge, drift, drive, drove, fetlock, flake, fleck, fleet, flight, floccule, flocculus, flocks, flood, fold, forelock, fringe, gaggle, galaxy, gam, gang, gather, gathering, go, go together, group, hail, heap, herd, herd together, hive, horde, host, jam, kennel, laity, large amount, laymen, legion, litter, lots, many, mass, masses of, meet, minyan, mob, muchness, multitude, murmuration, nest, nonclerics, nonordained persons, number, numbers, pack, panoply, paring, parish, parishioners, people, plague, plurality, pod, pour, press, pride, quantities, quantity, quiff, quite a few, rabble, rout, ruck, scale, school, scores, scurf, seculars, set, shaving, sheep, shoal, skein, skulk, sloth, society, spate, spring, swarm, throng, tidy sum, trip, troop, troupe, tuft, watch, worlds of