List of flux synonyms and flux related words.
ASA scale, BM, British candle, Brownian movement, Hefner candle, Scheiner scale, abscess, add, advance, affluence, afflux, affluxion, ague, amalgamate, anemia, angular motion, ankylosis, anoxia, anticoagulant, apnea, ascending, ascent, asphyxiation, assimilate, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, axial motion, backache, backflowing, backing, backward motion, bandage, bathe, bleeding, blend, blennorhea, bloody flux, bougie decimale, bowel movement, cachexia, cachexy, candle, candle lumen, candle power, candle-foot, candle-hour, candle-meter, cardialgia, care for, career, catharsis, change, chill, chills, china clay, china stone, cholera morbus, chylifaction, chylification, clay, climbing, coalesce, colic, colliquate, combine, come together, compound, comprise, concourse, confluence, conflux, connect, consolidate, constipation, convulsion, costiveness, coughing, course, crap, crosscurrent, cure, current, cut, cyanosis, decimal candle, decoagulate, decoct, defecation, defluxion, defrost, dejection, deliquesce, descending, descent, diagnose, diarrhea, diluent, dilutant, direct tide, discharge, dissolve, dissolvent, dissolving agent, dizziness, doctor, downflow, downpour, downward motion, drift, driftage, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, ebb, ebb and flow, ebb tide, ebbing, edema, effusion, egestion, ejaculation, ejection, elimination, emaciation, embody, emission, encompass, evacuation, excretion, exposure meter, extravasation, extrusion, exudation, fainting, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, fireclay, flight, flood, flood tide, flow, flowing, fluctuation, fluency, fluidify, fluidity, fluidize, fluidness, flux and reflux, fluxility, fluxion, foot-candle, forward motion, full tide, fuse, give care to, glaze, gripe, gripes, growth, gush, heal, heartburn, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, high tide, high water, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, include, incorporate, indecision, indecisiveness, indigestion, inflammation, inflow, infuse, insomnia, instability, integrate, intensity, interblend, interfuse, international candle, irregularity, itching, jaundice, join, juiciness, kaolin, labored breathing, lactation, lactescence, lamp-hour, leach, lientery, light, light meter, light quantum, liquefacient, liquefaction, liquefier, liquefy, liquesce, liquidize, liquidness, lixiviate, loose bowels, low blood pressure, low tide, low water, lumbago, lumen, lumen meter, lumen-hour, lumeter, luminous flux, luminous intensity, luminous power, lump together, lunar tide, lux, make one, marasmus, massage, meld, melt, melt down, melt into one, merge, milkiness, mill run, millrace, minister to, mix, modification, moisture, motion, mounting, movement, mutation, nasal discharge, nausea, neap, neap tide, necrosis, nurse, oblique motion, obstipation, ongoing, onrush, onward course, operate on, opposite tide, oscillation, outflow, pain, paralysis, passage, percolate, petuntse, photon, physic, plaster, plunging, porcelain clay, poultice, progress, pruritus, purgation, purge, put together, pyrosis, quantum, race, radial motion, random motion, rash, reembody, refine, reflowing, refluence, reflux, refractory clay, regression, remedy, render, resolutive, resolvent, retrogression, rheum, rheuminess, rip, riptide, rising, roll into one, rub, run, runs, rush, sappiness, sclerosis, secretion, seizure, serosity, set, shade into, shit, shits, shock, sideward motion, sinking, skin eruption, slip, smelt, sneezing, soaring, solar tide, solidify, solubilize, solve, solvent, sore, spasm, spate, splint, spring tide, sternway, stool, strap, stream, subsiding, succulence, suppuration, surge, swing, swinging, syncretize, syndicate, synthesize, tabes, tachycardia, thalassometer, thaw, thin, thinner, tidal amplitude, tidal current, tidal current chart, tidal flow, tidal range, tide, tide chart, tide gate, tide gauge, tide race, tide rip, tidewater, tideway, traject, trajet, transudation, treat, trend, trots, tumor, turistas, unclot, undercurrent, undertow, unfreeze, unify, unit of flux, unit of light, unite, unrest, upset stomach, upward motion, vertigo, voidance, vomiting, wasting, water flow, wateriness, wavering