List of focus synonyms and focus related words.
adductor, approach, asymptote, attractant, attrahent, axiom, blurred, blurry, bottleneck, bring into focus, center, center of attraction, center of consciousness, center of interest, clear, collision course, concenter, concentralization, concentralize, concentrate, concentration, concourse, concurrence, confluence, conflux, congress, converge, convergence, converging, core, crossing, cynosure, distinct, elixir, essence, essential, fix, fixate, flower, focal point, focalization, focalize, focus of attention, fundamental, funnel, fuzzy, gist, gravamen, heart, hub, hypostasis, in focus, indistinct, inner essence, kernel, lodestar, lure, magnet, marrow, meat, meet, meeting, mutual approach, narrowing gap, nave, nerve, nub, nucleus, nuts and bolts, out of focus, pinpoint, pith, point of convergence, polestar, postulate, prime focus, principle, put, quid, quiddity, quintessence, radius, rivet, sap, soul, spirit, spokes, spotlight, stuff, substance, tangent, target, the nitty-gritty, unclear, woolly, zero in