List of folio synonyms and folio related words.
acknowledgments, article, back, back matter, bastard title, best seller, bibliography, book, book end, book support, book table, book tray, book truck, bookcase, bookholder, bookrack, bookrest, bookshelf, bookstack, bookstand, bound book, catch line, catchword, chapter, classic, clause, colophon, coloring book, contents, contents page, copyright page, crown, dedication, definitive work, duodecimo, eighteenmo, endleaf, endpaper, endsheet, errata, fascicle, flyleaf, folder, fore edge, foreword, front matter, gathering, great work, half-title page, hardback, head, imperial, imprint, index, inscription, introduction, juvenile, juvenile book, leaf, limp-cover book, magnum opus, makeup, medium, nonbook, notebook, novel, number, octavo, octodecimo, opus, opuscule, opusculum, page, paperback, paragraph, passage, phrase, picture book, playbook, pocket book, portfolio, prayer book, preface, preliminaries, production, psalmbook, psalter, publication, quarto, recto, reverso, revolving bookcase, royal, running title, section, sentence, serial, sextodecimo, sheet, signature, sixteenmo, sketchbook, soft-cover, songbook, stack, standard work, storybook, subtitle, super, table of contents, tail, text, title, title page, tome, trade book, trim size, twelvemo, type page, verse, verso, volume, work, writing