List of fond synonyms and fond related words.
addicted to, adoring, affectionate, apish, asinine, aspiring, assured, attached to, batty, befooled, beguiled, besotted, bootless, brainless, buffoonish, caring, cockeyed, confident, conjugal, crazy, credulous, daffy, daft, dazed, dear, demonstrative, devoted, dizzy, doting, dumb, easily taken in, easy of belief, empty, expectant, faithful, fatuitous, fatuous, filial, flaky, fond of, fool, foolheaded, foolish, fuddled, full of hope, futile, gaga, goofy, gulled, hooked on, hopeful, hoping, husbandly, idiotic, imbecile, in good heart, in hopes, inane, inclined to believe, indulgent, inept, infatuated, insane, kooky, languishing, lonesome, loony, lovelorn, lovesick, lovesome, loving, mad, maternal, maudlin, melting, moronic, naive, nutty, of good cheer, of good hope, overconfiding, overcredulous, overtrustful, overtrusting, parental, partial to, paternal, responsive, romantic, sanguine, sappy, screwy, senseless, sentimental, silly, soft, stupid, superstitious, sympathetic, tender, thoughtless, trustful, trusting, uncritical, undespairing, undoubting, unskeptical, unsuspecting, unsuspicious, upbeat, uxorious, vain, wacky, warm, wet, wifely, witless