List of forced synonyms and forced related words.
Herculean, Latinate, affected, arduous, artificial, at odds, automatic, averse, awkward, backbreaking, blind, bombastic, burdensome, calculated, coerced, compelled, compulsive, conditioned, constrained, contrived, cramped, crushing, cumbrous, cursory, differing, disagreeing, disinclined, disobedient, distant, effortful, elephantine, exhausting, factitious, faked, false, farfetched, fatiguing, feigned, formal, fractious, grueling, guinde, halting, hard-earned, hard-fought, heavy, hefty, improbable, impulsive, indisposed, indocile, inflexible, inkhorn, instinctive, involuntary, killing, labored, laborious, leaden, lumbering, mannered, mechanical, mutinous, onerous, operose, opposed, oppressive, out-of-the-way, painful, perfunctory, pompous, ponderous, punishing, quite another thing, recalcitrant, reflex, reflexive, refractory, remote, resistant, rigid, self-conscious, sesquipedalian, something else again, stiff, stilted, strained, strenuous, studied, sulky, sullen, toilsome, tough, troublesome, turgid, unconscious, unconsenting, unintentional, unnatural, unthinking, unwieldy, unwilled, unwilling, unwitting, uphill, wearisome, wooden