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formulary synonyms and formulary related words

Synonyms -> formulary synonyms

List of formulary synonyms and formulary related words.

High-Church, Procrustean law, act, authoritative, baptismal, bill, binding, bylaw, canon, canonical, ceremonial, ceremonious, ceremony, code, conventionalized, criterion, decree, dictate, dictated, dictation, didactic, duty, edict, enactment, eucharistic, extrinsic, form, form of worship, formal, formalist, formalistic, formality, formula, formular, function, guideline, hard and fast, holy rite, impersonal, institution, instructive, jus, law, law of nature, legalistic, legislation, lex, liturgic, liturgistic, liturgy, mandatory, maxim, measure, mode of worship, mystery, nominal, norm, norma, observance, office, official, order of nature, order of worship, ordinance, ordonnance, outward, paschal, pedantic, practice, preceptive, prescribed, prescribed form, prescript, prescription, prescriptive, principle, receipt, recipe, regulation, rite, ritual, ritual observance, ritualistic, rituality, rubric, rule, ruling, sacrament, sacramental, sacramentarian, service, set form, solemnity, standard, standing order, statute, statutory, stylized, superficial, surface, universal law