List of freak synonyms and freak related words.
Bohemian, LSD user, aberration, abnormal, abnormality, abortion, acidhead, addict, aficionado, alcoholic, amateur, androgyne, anomalous, anomaly, aspirant, aspirer, atypical, authority, baroque, beatnik, bee, bigot, bizarre, boutade, brainstorm, buff, bug, candidate, capriccio, caprice, chain smoker, character, chimera, cocaine sniffer, cokie, collector, conceit, connoisseur, coveter, crackpot, crank, craze, crazy idea, critic, crosspatch, crotchet, cubehead, curiosity, deformed, deformity, demon, desirer, deviant, devotee, dilettante, dipsomaniac, dissenter, dope fiend, doper, dropout, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, drunkard, eager beaver, eccentric, eccentricity, energumen, enthusiast, erratic, exceptional, expert, extraordinary, fad, faddist, fan, fanatic, fanatico, fancier, fancy, fantastic notion, fantasy, fiend, flake, flimflam, flower child, fool notion, freak of nature, freakish, freakish inspiration, freaky, glue sniffer, great one for, grotesque, habitual, hankerer, harebrained idea, head, heavy smoker, heretic, hermaphrodite, hippie, hobbyist, hopeful, hophead, hound, humor, hype, idiosyncrasy, individualist, infatuate, inner-directed person, irregularity, junkie, kink, kook, lover, lunatic fringe, maggot, malconformation, malformation, malformed, maniac, marijuana smoker, maverick, megrim, methhead, misbegotten, miscreation, misfit, misshape, misshapen, monomaniac, monster, monstrosity, monstrous, mosaic, mutant, mutation, narcotics addict, naysayer, nonconformist, nonjuror, notion, nut, odd, oddball, oddity, original, passing fancy, peculiarity, pillhead, pothead, pundit, pursuer, queer, quirk, rara avis, rare, rarity, recluse, rhapsodist, rococo, savant, scholar, screwball, sectarian, sectary, snowbird, solicitant, specialist, speed freak, sport, strange, strange duck, sucker for, suitor, swinger, technical expert, technician, teratism, teratogenic, teratoid, toy, tripper, ugly duckling, unconformist, unexpected, unforeseen, unique, unparalleled, unpredictable, unpredicted, unusual, user, vagary, visionary, votary, wanter, weird, weirdo, whim, whim-wham, whimsy, wisher, yearner, yippie, zealot