List of freedom synonyms and freedom related words.
arrogance, artlessness, audaciousness, audacity, authority, authorization, autonomy, bigheartedness, blank check, bluffness, bluntness, boldness, bounteousness, bountifulness, bounty, brass, brazenness, broadness, brusqueness, candidness, candor, carte blanche, clarity, clear coast, clear road, compass, convenience, copyright, deliverance, deregulation, directness, discretion, dispensation, disrespect, ease, easiness, easy going, easy purse strings, effortlessness, emancipation, exemption, facileness, facility, favor, forthrightness, forwardness, franchise, frankness, free hand, free time, freehandedness, freeheartedness, freeness, gall, generosity, generousness, genuineness, givingness, goof-off time, graciousness, grant, great heart, greatheartedness, highroad, honesty, hospitality, idle hours, immunity, impertinence, impudence, independence, indulgence, ingenuousness, intelligibility, lack of hindrance, largeheartedness, largeness, largess, latitude, leisure, liberality, liberalness, liberation, liberty, license, magnanimity, manumission, margin, munificence, naturalness, nerve, odd moments, open hand, open heart, openhandedness, openheartedness, openness, outspokenness, patent, permission, plain dealing, plain sailing, plain speaking, plainness, plainspokenness, plane sailing, play, power, prerogative, presumption, presumptuousness, privilege, range, release, relief, repose, rest, retirement, right, roundness, royal road, scope, self-determination, self-direction, self-government, semiretirement, simplicity, sincerity, smooth road, smooth sailing, smoothness, spare time, special favor, straight sailing, straightforwardness, sweep, time, time to kill, time to spare, uncomplexity, uncomplicatedness, unconstraint, unreserve, unrestraint, unselfishness, warrant, welcome