List of fretful synonyms and fretful related words.
Jeremianic, abrupt, agitated, antsy, antsy-pantsy, anxious, bad-tempered, breathless, bustling, captious, carping, catty, caviling, chafing, choleric, complaining, contrary, crabby, cranky, critical, cross, curt, disagreeable, eager, edgy, excited, faultfinding, fidgety, fluttering, fluttery, fractious, fretting, fussing, fussy, grumpy, hasty, hopped-up, howling, huffy, ill-natured, ill-tempered, impatient, impetuous, in a lather, in a stew, in a sweat, irascible, irritable, jumpy, lamentive, moanful, moody, mournful, nagging, naggy, on edge, peevish, perverse, pettish, petulant, plaintive, plangent, puling, querulous, resentful, restive, restless, short, short-tempered, shrewish, snappish, sorrowful, splenetic, squirming, squirmy, sulky, testy, tetchy, touchy, turbulent, ululant, uneasy, unpatient, unquiet, unsettled, vexed, vixenish, vixenly, wailful, waspish, whimpering, whining, whiny