List of fusillade synonyms and fusillade related words.
aim at, antiaircraft barrage, bang, bark, barrage, bash, bat, beating, beheading, belt, biff, blast, blitz, blow, bombard, bombardment, bonk, bowshot, box barrage, broadside, bullet, burning, burst, cannon, cannonade, cannonry, capital punishment, chop, clip, clout, clump, commence firing, crack, creeping barrage, crucifixion, cut, dash, decapitation, decollation, defenestration, detonation, dig, dint, discharge, drub, drubbing, drumfire, drumming, ejection, electrocution, emergency barrage, enfilade, execution, explosion, fire a volley, fire at, fire upon, fulmination, garrote, gassing, gun, gunfire, gunshot, hanging, hemlock, hit, jab, judicial murder, knock, lapidation, lick, mortar, mortar barrage, necktie party, normal barrage, open fire, open up on, pelt, pepper, plunk, poisoning, poke, pop, pop at, potshot, pound, punch, rake, rap, salvo, shell, shoot, shoot at, shooting, shot, slam, slog, slug, smack, smash, snipe, snipe at, sock, spray, standing barrage, stoneshot, stoning, strafe, strangling, strangulation, stroke, swat, swing, swipe, take aim at, tattoo, the ax, the block, the chair, the gallows, the gas chamber, the guillotine, the hot seat, the rope, thump, thwack, torpedo, volley, whack, whop, yerk, zero in on