List of garble synonyms and garble related words.
Aesopian language, Babel, Greek, adulterate, argot, babble, ball up, becloud, belie, bias, bollix up, burlesque, camouflage, cant, caricature, cipher, code, color, complicate, conceal, confound, confuse, contort, corrupt, cryptogram, disguise, distort, doctor, double Dutch, dress up, embellish, embroider, exaggerate, falsify, foul up, fudge, fumble, get one wrong, get wrong, gibberish, gift of tongues, gild, gloss, gloss over, glossolalia, gobbledygook, hide, jargon, jumble, make unintelligible, mangle, mask, misapply, misapprehend, miscite, miscolor, misconceive, misconstrue, misdeem, misdirect, misexplain, misexplicate, misexpound, misinterpret, misjudge, misquote, misread, misrender, misreport, misrepresent, misstate, mistake, misteach, mistranslate, misunderstand, misuse, mix up, muck up, muddle, mumble, mutilate, mutter, mystify, noise, obfuscate, obscure, overdraw, overstate, parody, pervert, pi, play hob with, riffle, scramble, screw up, secret language, shadow, shuffle, slang, slant, snafu, snarl up, squeeze, strain, strain the sense, titivate, torture, travesty, trick out, tumble, twist, twist the words, understate, varnish, warp, whitewash, wrench