List of gauge synonyms and gauge related words.
Johansson block, T square, adjust, amount, amplitude, appraise, appreciate, area, assay, assess, barometer, basis, benchmark, bigness, body, breadth, bulk, calculate, caliber, calibrate, caliper, calipers, call, canon, capacity, catalog, categorize, chain, check, check a parameter, class, classify, compass, compute, coverage, criterion, degree, depth, determine, dial, diameter, dimension, dimensions, dipstick, divide, dividers, enlarge, estimate, evaluate, example, expanse, expansion, extension, extent, factor, fathom, feeler gauge, figure, foot rule, form an estimate, gage, gauge block, gauger, girth, give an appreciation, goniometer, grade, gradiometer, graduate, graduated scale, greatness, group, guess, guide, guideline, height, identify, instrument, judge, largeness, length, level, limit, line, litmus test, log, log line, magnitude, make an estimation, mark, mass, match, measure, measurement, measurer, mensurate, mete, meter, meterstick, micrometer, model, norm, octant, pace, parameter, pattern, plumb, plumb rule, prize, probe, proportion, proportions, protractor, quadrant, quantify, quantity, quantize, radius, range, rank, rate, reach, reading, readout, reckon, rod, rule, ruler, scale, scope, sector, set square, sextant, sift, size, size up, sort, sort out, sound, span, spirit level, spread, square, standard, step, survey, take a reading, tape, tape measure, tapeline, test, theodolite, thrash out, touchstone, transit, transit theodolite, triangulate, try square, type, valuate, value, vernier, vernier caliper, volume, weigh, width, winnow, yardstick