List of gear synonyms and gear related words.
Hydromatic, accessories, accommodate, accouter, accouterments, action, adapt, adjust, apparatus, apparel, appendages, appliances, appoint, appointments, appurtenances, arm, armament, array, attire, automatic transmission, bag and baggage, baggage, bedizenment, belongings, chattels, clobber, clockworks, clothes, clothing, cog, cogwheel, conveniences, cordage, cording, costume, differential, differential gear, drapery, dress, dressing, drive train, duds, duffel, dunnage, effects, equip, equipage, equipment, facilities, facility, fashion, fatigues, feathers, fig, fit, fit out, fit up, fittings, fixtures, freewheel, furnish, furnishings, furniture, garb, garments, gear train, gearbox, gearing, gearshift, gearwheel, goods, guise, habiliment, habiliments, habit, heel, high, impedimenta, implements, innards, installations, intermediate, investiture, investment, junk, kit, linen, livery, low, luggage, machinery, man, materials, materiel, means, mechanism, motion, movement, movements, munition, munitions, neutral, outfit, overdrive, panoply, paraphernalia, plant, plumbing, possessions, power train, prepare, rack, rags, raiment, regalia, reverse, rig, rig out, rig up, rigging, robes, ropework, roping, running rigging, service, serving, servomechanism, shit, sportswear, staff, standard transmission, standing rigging, stick shift, stock-in-trade, stuff, style, suit, supplies, synchromesh, tack, tackle, tackling, tailor, things, threads, togs, toilette, tools, transmission, trappings, traps, trim, turn out, uniform, utensils, vestment, vestments, vesture, watchworks, wear, wearing apparel, wheels, wheels within wheels, whipping, workings, works