List of genesis synonyms and genesis related words.
abiogenesis, accouchement, adaptation, alpha, archigenesis, babyhood, beginning, beginnings, biogenesis, biological evolution, birth, birth throes, birthing, blastogenesis, blessed event, childbearing, childbed, childbirth, childhood, commencement, conception, confinement, cradle, dawn, dawning, delivery, derivation, development, digenesis, epigenesis, eumerogenesis, freshman year, generation, giving birth, grass roots, hatching, having a baby, head, heterogenesis, histogenesis, homogenesis, horotely, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incunabula, infancy, isogenesis, labor, merogenesis, metagenesis, monogenesis, multiparity, nascence, nascency, nativity, natural selection, ontogenesis, ontogeny, opening, origin, original, origination, orthogenesis, outset, outstart, pangenesis, parthenogenesis, parturition, phylogenesis, phylogeny, physiogenesis, physiogeny, pregnancy, procreation, provenance, provenience, radical, radix, rise, root, setout, source, spontaneous generation, start, stem, stock, tachytely, taproot, the Nativity, the stork, travail, youth