List of genetics synonyms and genetics related words.
Altmann theory, DNA, De Vries theory, Galtonian theory, Mendelianism, Mendelism, RNA, Verworn theory, Weismann theory, Weismannism, Wiesner theory, aerobiology, agrobiology, allele, allelomorph, anatomy, astrobiology, bacteriology, biochemics, biochemistry, biochemy, bioecology, biological science, biology, biometrics, biometry, bionics, bionomics, biophysics, birth, botany, cell physiology, character, chromatid, chromatin, chromosome, cryobiology, cybernetics, cytology, determinant, determiner, diathesis, ecology, electrobiology, embryology, endowment, enzymology, ethnobiology, eugenics, exobiology, factor, gene, genesiology, genetic code, gnotobiotics, hereditability, heredity, heritability, heritage, inborn capacity, inheritability, inheritance, life science, matrocliny, microbiology, molecular biology, patrocliny, pharmacogenetics, pharmacology, physiology, radiobiology, recessive character, replication, taxonomy, virology, xenobiology, zoology