List of gentle synonyms and gentle related words.
accepting, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accustom, adapt, adjust, affable, agreeable, ambling, amiable, appease, aristocratic, balmy, barely audible, bed, bed down, benign, bland, bleeding, bonhomous, break, break in, break to harness, bridle, broken, brush, bust, calm, calm down, case harden, cautious, charitable, chastened, chivalrous, circumspect, claudicant, clement, commiserative, compassionate, complaisant, compose, condition, condolent, confirm, controllable, cool, cordial, cradle, crawling, creeping, creeping like snail, cultivated, cultured, curry, currycomb, cushion, dainty, decrescendo, deliberate, delicate, dim, distant, docile, domesticate, domesticated, domesticize, dovelike, drench, ducal, dulcify, ease, easy, easy-natured, easygoing, establish, even out, exalted, faint, faint-voiced, faltering, familiarize, feeble, feed, fix, flagging, fluff, fodder, foot-dragging, forbearant, forbearing, forgiving, genial, genteel, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, good-humored, good-natured, good-tempered, gracious, gradual, groom, habituate, halcyon, half-heard, halting, handle, harden, harness, high, highbred, hitch, hobbled, hobbling, housebreak, housebroken, human, humane, humble, hush, hushed, idle, indistinct, indolent, indulgent, inure, judicious, kind, kindly, kinglike, kingly, knead, knightly, ladylike, lamblike, languid, languorous, lax, laxate, lazy, leisurely, lenient, light, limber, limber up, limping, litter, loosen, low, lull, lumbering, manage, manageable, mash, massage, meek, mellow, mellowy, melting, merciful, mild, mild as milk, milden, milk, moderate, mollified, mollify, murmured, naturalize, noble, nonresistive, nonrigid, nonviolent, of gentle blood, of rank, orient, orientate, pacific, pacifistic, pacify, patient, patrician, peaceable, peaceful, pianissimo, piano, pitying, placid, pleasant, pleasing, plump, poking, poky, polished, pour balm into, princelike, princely, prudent, pulp, queenlike, queenly, quell, quiet, quite the lady, refined, relax, relaxed, reluctant, rest, restful, rock, rock to sleep, rub down, ruthful, saddle, sauntering, scarcely heard, season, serene, shake up, shuffling, slack, slothful, slow, slow as death, slow as molasses, slow as slow, slow-crawling, slow-foot, slow-going, slow-legged, slow-moving, slow-paced, slow-poky, slow-running, slow-sailing, slow-stepped, sluggish, smash, smooth, smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, snail-paced, snaillike, sober, soft, soft as putty, soft-sounding, soft-voiced, soften, soften up, softened, softhearted, soothe, soothing, squash, stabilize, staggering, steady, still, strolling, subaudible, subdue, subdued, supple, sweet, sweet-tempered, sympathetic, sympathizing, tame, tamed, temperate, tend, tender, tenderhearted, tenderize, tentative, thoughtful, titled, toddling, tolerant, tone down, tortoiselike, tottering, tractable, train, tranquil, tranquilize, trudging, tune down, turtlelike, unclear, understanding, undisturbed, unhurried, unruffled, untroubled, waddling, warmhearted, water, weak, weak-voiced, well-bred, well-brought-up, well-natured, whisper-soft, whispered, wont, yoke