List of gloomy synonyms and gloomy related words.
Acheronian, Acherontic, Cassandra-like, Cassandran, Cassandrian, Cimmerian, Stygian, acheronian, acherontic, apocalyptic, bad, baleful, baneful, black, bleak, blue, bodeful, boding, caliginous, castellatus, cheerless, cirrose, cirrous, cloud-flecked, clouded, cloudy, cold, crabbed, crestfallen, cumuliform, cumulous, cynical, dark, dark and gloomy, defeatist, dejected, depressant, depressed, depressing, depressive, desolate, despairing, despondent, dim, dire, dirty, disconsolate, discouraging, disheartening, dismal, dispirited, dispiriting, distressed, doleful, doomful, dour, down, downbeat, downcast, downhearted, drab, drear, drearisome, dreary, dull, dun, dusky, evil, evil-starred, fateful, foreboding, forlorn, funebrial, funereal, gloomful, glooming, glum, grave, gray, grim, heavy, ill, ill-boding, ill-fated, ill-lighted, ill-lit, ill-omened, ill-starred, in the doldrums, inauspicious, inky, joyless, lenticularis, lowering, lugubrious, mammatus, melancholy, menacing, mirthless, miserable, moody, morose, murky, muzzy, nebulous, negative, negativistic, nihilistic, nimbose, nubilous, obscure, of evil portent, ominous, oppressed, oppressive, overcast, overclouded, pessimist, pessimistic, portending, portentous, sad, saturnine, shaded, shadowy, shady, sinister, solemn, somber, sombrous, sorrowful, squally, stormy, stratiform, stratous, sulky, sullen, surly, tenebrous, threatening, thunderheaded, triste, ugly, uncheerful, unfavorable, unfortunate, unhappy, unilluminated, unlucky, unpromising, unpropitious, untoward, weariful, wearisome, weary, woebegone