List of gruff synonyms and gruff related words.
abrupt, acerb, acid, acrimonious, aggressive, bad-tempered, bearish, beastly, biting, bluff, blunt, boorish, brash, brassy, brazen, brusque, cantankerous, caustic, cavalier, choked, churlish, coarse, crabbed, crabby, cracked, croaking, croaky, cross, crotchety, crusty, curt, cutting, deep, dour, dry, fierce, grouchy, growling, grumbling, grumbly, grumpish, grumpy, guttural, harsh, harsh-sounding, hoarse, husky, ill-humored, ill-natured, irascible, irritable, low, metallic, morose, peevish, petulant, querulous, ragged, rasping, raucid, raucous, rough, roupy, rude, saturnine, severe, sharp, short, short-tempered, snippety, snippy, sour, squawking, squawky, stertorous, stinging, strangled, sulky, sullen, surly, testy, thick, throaty, tinny, truculent, uncivil