List of guff synonyms and guff related words.
babble, babblement, balderdash, baloney, bavardage, bibble-babble, bilge, blab, blabber, blah, blah-blah, blather, blether, blethers, bop, bosh, bull, bullshit, bunk, bunkum, cackle, caquet, caqueterie, chat, chatter, chitter-chatter, clack, claptrap, clatter, crap, flapdoodle, gab, gabble, gas, gibber, gibble-gabble, gossip, gup, hogwash, hokum, hooey, hot air, idle talk, jabber, lip, malarkey, mere talk, moonshine, mouth, natter, nonsense talk, palaver, piffle, poppycock, prate, prating, prattle, prittle-prattle, rot, sass, sauce, scat, shit, talkee-talkee, tittle-tattle, tommyrot, trash, tripe, twaddle, twattle, wind, yak, yakkety-yak