List of hallucinogen synonyms and hallucinogen related words.
DET, DMT, Indian hemp, LSD, Mary Jane, STP, THC, acid, antidepressant, ataractic, belladonna, bhang, cannabis, diethyltryptamine, dimethyltryptamine, gage, ganja, grass, hallucinogens, hash, hashish, hay, hemp, henbane, hyoscyamus, jimsonweed, joint, kava, marijuana, mescal, mescal bean, mescal button, mescaline, mind-altering drug, mind-blowing drug, mind-expanding drug, morning glory seeds, peyote, pot, psilocin, psilocybin, psychedelic, psychic energizer, psychoactive drug, psychochemical, psychotomimetic, reefer, roach, stick, stramonium, tea, tranquilizer, weed