List of handy synonyms and handy related words.
Daedalian, accessible, adaptable, adept, adjacent, adroit, agential, agentival, agentive, all-around, apt, artistic, assisting, at hand, authoritative, available, baby, baby-sized, bantam, banty, bravura, brilliant, clean, clever, close by, close-by, compact, conducive, convenient, convenient to, coordinated, crack, crackerjack, cunning, cute, daedal, deft, dexterous, dextrous, diminutive, diplomatic, ductile, duodecimo, easily reached, employable, excellent, expert, facilitating, fancy, favoring, feasible, flexible, foolproof, forwarding, good, goodish, graceful, helpful, ingenious, instrumental, intermediary, magisterial, malleable, manageable, maneuverable, masterful, masterly, mediating, mediatorial, miniature, miniaturized, minikin, minimal, ministerial, ministering, minuscule, nearby, neat, nimble, no mean, of all work, on call, on deck, on hand, on tap, pliable, pliant, pocket, pocket-sized, politic, pony, practical, professional, proficient, promoting, propinquant, propinquous, quick, quite some, ready, ready at hand, resourceful, serviceable, skilled, skillful, slick, small-scale, some, statesmanlike, stylish, subminiature, subservient, tactful, the compleat, the complete, to hand, toy, tractable, twelvemo, untroublesome, usable, useful, versatile, vest-pocket, virtuoso, well-done, wieldable, wieldy, workmanlike, yielding