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heartburn synonyms and heartburn related words

Synonyms -> heartburn synonyms

List of heartburn synonyms and heartburn related words.

ache, aching, angina, backache, bellyache, cardialgia, cephalalgia, cholera morbus, colic, collywobbles, constipation, costiveness, diarrhea, dysentery, dyspepsia, earache, envy, flux, fret, gnawing, green-eyed jealousy, green-eyed monster, gripe, gripes, gut-ache, headache, heartburning, hemicrania, horn-madness, indigestion, irregularity, jalousie, jaundice, jaundiced eye, jealousness, jealousy, lientery, megrim, migraine, obstipation, odontalgia, otalgia, pyrosis, sick headache, splitting headache, stomachache, throbbing pain, toothache, trots