List of hedging synonyms and hedging related words.
allowance, bickering, boggling, calculation, canniness, captious, captiousness, care, careful consideration, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, caviling, cession, chicane, chicanery, choplogic, circumscription, circumspection, concession, deliberate stages, deliberateness, deliberation, discretion, dodging, equivocation, equivocatory, evasion, evasive, exception, exemption, extenuating circumstances, fencing, gingerliness, grain of salt, grant, guardedness, hairsplitting, hedge, heed, heedfulness, hesitation, judiciousness, limitation, logic-chopping, mental reservation, mindfulness, modification, nit-picking, paltering, parrying, pawkiness, pettifoggery, petty, picayune, prevarication, prior consultation, prudence, prudentialness, pussyfooting, qualification, quibbling, regardfulness, reservation, restriction, safeness, safety first, salvo, shifting, shuffling, sidestepping, slowness to act, solicitude, special case, special treatment, specialness, specification, subterfuge, tentativeness, tergiversation, thoroughness, trichoschistic, trichoschistism, trifling, trivial, uncommunicativeness, unprecipitateness, waiver