List of herbicide synonyms and herbicide related words.
aborticide, acaricide, anthelmintic, antibiotic, antiseptic, bug bomb, carbamate insecticide, chemosterilant, chlorinated hydrocarbon insecticide, contact poison, defoliant, disinfectant, eradicant, fratricide, fumigant, fungicide, genocide, germicide, homicide, infanticide, insect powder, insecticide, matricide, microbicide, miticide, organic chlorine, organic phosphate insecticide, parricide, patricide, pesticide, poison, rat poison, regicide, roach paste, roach powder, rodenticide, sororicide, stomach poison, suicide, systemic, systemic insecticide, toxic, toxicant, toxin, uxoricide, venin, venom, vermicide, virus, weed killer