List of horse synonyms and horse related words.
Al Borak, American trotter, Amytal, Amytal pill, Angora goat, Appaloosa, Arabian, Arctic fox, Barb, Barbary horse, Belgian, Belgian hare, Black Beauty, Caffre cat, Citation, Cleveland Bay, Demerol, Dolophine, French coach horse, Galloway, Gibraltar, H, Hambletonian, Houyhnhnm, Indian buffalo, Indian club, Kelso, Kodiak bear, Luminal, Luminal pill, M, Mickey Finn, Nashua, Native Dancer, Nembutal, Nembutal pill, Pegasus, Rosinante, Seconal, Seconal pill, Secretariat, Shetland, Shetland pony, Shire, Siberian husky, Silver, Suffolk, Swaps, Topper, Tuinal, Tuinal pill, Turk, Virginia deer, Whirlaway, White Surrey, aardvark, aardwolf, act up, alcohol, alpaca, amobarbital sodium, analgesic, anodyne, anteater, antelope, antelope chipmunk, aoudad, apar, armadillo, ass, aurochs, badger, bandicoot, barb, barbell, barbiturate, barbiturate pill, bassarisk, bat, bear, beast of burden, beaver, bettong, binturong, bison, black bear, black buck, black cat, black fox, black sheep, black stuff, blue, blue angel, blue devil, blue fox, blue heaven, blue velvet, bobcat, brood mare, brown bear, brush deer, brush wolf, buck, buffalo, buffalo wolf, burro, burro deer, cachalot, calmative, camel, camelopard, capybara, carabao, caribou, carpincho, carry on, cat, cat-a-mountain, catamount, cattalo, cavy, chamois, charger, cheetah, chevrotain, chinchilla, chipmunk, chloral hydrate, cinnamon bear, clotheshorse, codeine, codeine cough syrup, colt, coon, coon cat, cotton mouse, cotton rat, cougar, courser, cow, coyote, coypu, critter, cut up, deer, deer tiger, depressant, depressor, dingo, dobbin, dog, dolly, donkey, dormouse, downer, draft animal, dromedary, dumbbell, echidna, eland, elephant, elk, entire, entire horse, equine, ermine, exerciser, eyra, fallow deer, ferret, field mouse, filly, fisher, fitch, flying phalanger, foal, foumart, fox, fox squirrel, gazelle, gelding, gemsbok, genet, giraffe, glutton, gnu, gnu goat, goat, goat antelope, goofball, gopher, grizzly bear, ground squirrel, groundhog, guanaco, guinea pig, hamster, hard stuff, hare, harnessed antelope, hartebeest, heart of oak, hedgehog, heroin, hippopotamus, hog, hop, horse, horseplay, husky, hyena, hypnotic, hyrax, ibex, iron, jackal, jackass, jackrabbit, jaguar, jaguarundi, jennet, jerboa, jerboa kangaroo, junk, kaama, kangaroo, kangaroo mouse, kangaroo rat, karakul, kinkajou, kit fox, knockout drops, koala, lapin, laudanum, lemming, leopard, leopard cat, lion, liquor, llama, long horse, lotus, lynx, malamute, mammoth, mara, mare, marmot, marten, mastodon, meerkat, meperidine, methadone, mink, mole, mongoose, moose, morphia, morphine, mouflon, mount, mountain goat, mountain lion, mountain sheep, mouse, mule, mule deer, muntjac, musk deer, musk hog, musk-ox, muskrat, musquash, nag, nails, narcotic, nilgai, nutria, oak, ocelot, okapi, onager, oont, opiate, opium, opossum, otter, ounce, ox, pacifier, pack horse, pack rat, pain killer, painter, palomino, panda, pangolin, panther, parallel bars, paregoric, peccary, peludo, pen yan, phalanger, phenobarbital, phenobarbital sodium, pig, pine mouse, platypus, pocket gopher, pocket mouse, pocket rat, polar bear, polar fox, polecat, porcupine, possum, pouched rat, poyou, prairie dog, prairie wolf, prancer, pronghorn, puma, punching bag, purple heart, quarter horse, quietener, rabbit, raccoon, rainbow, rat, red, red deer, red squirrel, reindeer, rhinoceros, rings, rock, roe, roe deer, roebuck, rowing machine, sable, saddle horse, sawbuck, sawhorse, scag, secobarbital sodium, sedative, serval, sheep, shit, shrew, shrew mole, side horse, sika, silver fox, skunk, sledge dog, sleep-inducer, sleeper, sleeping draught, sleeping pill, smack, snowshoe rabbit, sodium thiopental, somnifacient, soother, soothing syrup, soporific, springbok, squirrel, stallion, steed, steel, stoat, stud, studhorse, sumpter, sumpter horse, sumpter mule, suslik, swamp rabbit, swine, takin, tamandua, tamarin, tapir, tar, tarpan, tatou, tatou peba, tatouay, thoroughbred, tiger, tiger cat, timber wolf, top horse, trampoline, tranquilizer, trapeze, tree shrew, trestle, trestle and table, trestle board, trestle table, trestlework, trestling, turps, urus, vole, wallaby, war-horse, warthog, water buffalo, waterbuck, weasel, weight, wharf rat, whistler, white fox, white stuff, wild ass, wild boar, wild goat, wild horse, wild ox, wildcat, wildebeest, wolf, wolverine, wombat, wood rat, woodchuck, woolly mammoth, workhorse, yak, yellow, yellow jacket, zebra, zebu, zoril