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house synonyms and house related words

Synonyms -> house synonyms

List of house synonyms and house related words.

Aktiengesellschaft, Dymaxion house, Elizabethan theater, Globe Theatre, Greek theater, White House, abbey, abode, accommodate, adobe house, affiliation, agency, aktiebolag, amphitheater, ancestry, animal kingdom, apparentation, architecture, arena theater, as a gift, aspect, assembly, astrodiagnosis, astrology, astromancy, atelier, audience, auditorium, auditory, bagnio, barbershop, beauty parlor, beauty shop, bed, beleaguer, bench, berth, beset, besiege, bestow, billet, birth, blockade, blood, bloodline, board, body corporate, bordello, bound, boutique, box in, branch, breed, brood, brothel, building, bunk, business, business establishment, butcher shop, cabaret, cabin, cage, cartel, casa, chain store, chamber, chamber of commerce, children, circle theater, clan, class, cliff dwelling, cloister, close in, club, co-op, combine, commercial enterprise, common ancestry, commorancy, compagnie, company, compass, concern, concert hall, concession, conglomerate, conglomerate corporation, congregation, congress, consanguinity, consolidating company, consortium, construct, construction, consulate, contain, convent, coop, coop in, coop up, cooperative, copartnership, cordon, cordon off, corporate body, corporation, corral, council, countinghouse, country house, country seat, country store, crib, cuddy, dacha, deanery, deckhouse, deme, department store, derivation, descendants, descent, desk, diet, dime store, direct line, discount house, discount store, distaff side, diversified corporation, domicile, domiciliate, dwelling, dwelling house, dynasty, edifice, embassy, emporium, encircle, enclose, encompass, enshrine, enterprise, entertain, erection, establishment, extraction, fabric, facility, family, farm, farmhouse, female line, fence in, filiation, firm, five-and-ten, folk, folks, for nothing, forebears, free, friary, gallery, general store, genethliac astrology, genethliacism, genethliacs, genethlialogy, gens, get, gratis, groundling, hall, harbor, haven, hearth, hedge in, hem in, holding company, home, homefolks, homestead, horoscope, horoscopy, house in, houseboat, household, hut, impound, imprison, incarcerate, include, industry, installation, institution, issue, jail, joint-stock association, joint-stock company, kennel, kind, kindred, lake dwelling, lamasery, leaguer, legislative body, legislature, line, line of descent, lineage, little theater, living machine, lodge, lodgings, loft, magasin, mail-order house, male line, manor house, manse, mansion, market, mart, matriclan, menage, mew, mew up, monastery, mundane astrology, mundane house, music hall, nation, nativity, natural astrology, night spot, nightclub, nunnery, offspring, on the house, opera, opera house, operating company, orchestra, order, organization, outdoor theater, outfit, packaged house, parliament, parlor, parsonage, partnership, patriclan, pen, pen in, penthouse, people, phratry, phyle, phylum, pile, pit, planetary house, plant kingdom, playhouse, plunderbund, pocket, pool, post, prefab, prefabricated house, prefabrication, presidential palace, priorate, priory, public utility, put up, pyramid, quarantine, quarter, quarters, race, rail in, ranch house, rectory, residence, residency, retail store, roof, room, salon, saloon, seed, sept, shelter, shelter cabin, shield, shop, showboat, shrine, shut in, shut up, side, skyscraper, sod house, spear side, species, spectator, spindle side, split-level, sporting house, stable, stargazing, stateroom, stem, stirps, stock, stock company, store, strain, structure, studio, succession, supermarket, superstructure, surround, sweatshop, sword side, syndicate, take in, theater, theater-in-the-round, theatre, theatron, totem, tower, town house, trade association, trading post, tribe, trust, undertaking, utility, variety shop, variety store, vicarage, wall in, warehouse, wareroom, wholesale house, work site, work space, workbench, workhouse, working space, workplace, workroom, workshop, worktable, wrap, yard, yard up, zodiac