List of hurt synonyms and hurt related words.
Schmerz, abomination, abrade, abrasion, abuse, ache, aches and pains, aching, affect, afflict, afflicted, affront, aggravate, aggravated, aggrieve, aggrieved, agonize, agonized, agony, ail, anguish, anguished, atrocity, bad, bane, bang, bang into, bankruptcy, barb the dart, bark, befoul, befoulment, bewitch, bite, blanch, bleed, bleeding, blemish, blench, blight, bloody, blow, break, breakage, breakdown, broken, bruise, bruised, bump, bump into, burn, burned, burst, busted, cannon, carom, carom into, chafe, check, checked, chip, chipped, clash, claw, collapse, collide, come into collision, concuss, concussion, condemn, confront each other, constrain, convulse, convulsed, corrupt, corruption, crack, crack up, crack-up, cracked, crackle, cramp, crash, crash into, craze, crazed, cripple, crippling, crucified, crucify, crump, crunch, crying evil, curse, cut, cut up, damage, damaged, dash into, defective, defile, defilement, dejected, deprave, depress, depressed, depression, despoil, despoliation, destroy, destruction, deteriorate, deteriorated, detriment, dilapidate, dilapidated, dilapidation, disable, disablement, disadvantage, disappoint, discomfort, dismal, disrepair, disserve, distress, distressed, do a mischief, do evil, do ill, do wrong, do wrong by, dolor, doom, drawback, embitter, embittered, encounter, encroachment, endamage, envenom, evil, exacerbate, exacerbated, excruciate, fall foul of, feel pain, feel the pangs, fester, flash burn, foul, fracture, fray, frazzle, fret, gall, gash, get into trouble, give offense, give pain, give umbrage, gloomy, gnaw, go hard with, grate, grief, grievance, grieve, grieved, grimace, grind, gripe, handicap, harass, harm, harmed, harrow, harrowed, have a misery, havoc, hex, hit, hit against, hobbling, hurt the feelings, hurting, hurtle, ill, impair, impaired, impairment, imperfect, impinge, in bits, in distress, in pain, in pieces, in shards, incapacitate, incapacitation, incise, incision, infect, infection, inflame, inflict pain, infringement, injure, injured, injury, inroad, irritate, irritated, jinx, kill by inches, knock, knock against, lacerate, lacerated, laceration, lame, lesion, liability, loss, loss of ground, maim, maiming, make mincemeat of, make worse, malaise, maltreat, mangle, mangled, mar, marred, martyr, martyred, martyrize, martyrized, maul, mauled, mayhem, meet, melancholy, menace, mischief, misery, mistreat, misuse, molest, mortal wound, mournful, mutilate, mutilated, mutilation, nasty blow, nip, offend, on the rack, outrage, pain, pained, pang, passion, percuss, persecute, pierce, pinch, play havoc with, play hob with, poison, pollute, pollution, pound, prejudice, prick, prolong the agony, puncture, put back, put to torture, rack, racked, rankle, rasp, rend, rent, rip, rub, rueful, ruin, ruination, ruinousness, rum, run, run into, rupture, ruptured, sabotage, sad, sadness, savage, scald, scalded, scarred, scathe, scorch, scorched, scotch, scrape, scratch, scratched, scuff, second-degree burn, shattered, shock, shoot, shrink, sickening, sideswipe, skin, slam into, slash, slashed, slit, smack into, smart, smash, smash into, smash up, smashed, sore, sore spot, sorrowful, spasm, split, spoil, spoiling, sprain, sprung, stab, stab wound, step backward, stick, sting, strain, stress, stress of life, strike, strike against, stroke, stung, suffer, suffer anguish, suffering, taint, tarnish, tear, tender spot, the worse for, the worst, third-degree burn, threaten, thrill, throb, throes, tingle, torment, tormented, torn, torture, tortured, toxin, trauma, traumatize, tweak, twinge, twist, twist the knife, twisted, twitch, under the harrow, unhappy, upset, venom, vexation, violate, vitiate, weaken, weakened, weakening, whomp, wince, woe, woebegone, worn, worse off, worsen, worsened, wound, wounded, wounds immedicable, wreak havoc on, wrench, wretched, wring, writhe, wrong, wronged, wrung